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LETTER: Saanich councillor trying to justify a poor decision

LETTER: Saanich councillor trying to justify a poor decision

Why is Coun. Nathalie Chambers constantly using the media to try and justify her positions? If you continually have to explain and defend your positions, it’s because you are making poor decisions contrary to the wishes of your constituents. It’s that simple.
LETTER: Spending on beach access irresponsible

LETTER: Spending on beach access irresponsible

The District of North Saanich is proposing to upgrade access to the Briarwood Place beach in response to complaints of day parking potentially blocking emergency vehicles.
LETTER: Beach Drive paving can wait

LETTER: Beach Drive paving can wait

I noticed that Beach Drive is being repaved. The question is why? Oak Bay has some of the worst roads in the CRD. I would think that paving Beach Drive would be the last choice!
LETTER: Land near transit exchanges ideal for workforce housing

LETTER: Land near transit exchanges ideal for workforce housing

Acquiring land near transit stops to build affordable workforce housing at those locations is an excellent idea.
LETTER: Lawsuit against big oil a waste

LETTER: Lawsuit against big oil a waste

Per the lawsuit against ‘big oil’ – more wasteful pursuit of human-caused climate change pseudo-science. The Volcanic Activity report (November 2023) lists 28 active volcanoes, and 12 on the warning list for they are “rumbling.” And still the self-centred arrogance that human activities somehow impact the climate lives on.
LETTER: Lawsuit against big oil will only drive up fuel prices

LETTER: Lawsuit against big oil will only drive up fuel prices

Sue big oil for their contributions to climate change? Horse pucks! If no one did anything but live their idyllic life, the climate would still change. That’s the nature of our world. Change is the one constant.
LETTER: There’s a difference between necessities and needs

LETTER: There’s a difference between necessities and needs

The letter writer taking a tirade on grocers should look at the numbers better. Loblaws, for one, includes all Shoppers Drug Marts, as well as hygiene products like perfumes, makeup, road salt, garden supplies, TVs, and just about anything you would find in a department store.
LETTER: Planning for services can’t keep pace with housing legislation

LETTER: Planning for services can’t keep pace with housing legislation

Hang on! Here we go with the history-making rezoning of the province. Single-family detached housing will be no more if you are on a lot with city-supplied sewer or water. And this all happens without a public hearing. Do you feel silenced?
LETTER: Housing has become a financial instrument instead of a place to live

LETTER: Housing has become a financial instrument instead of a place to live

A segment of the population who are hostile to immigration reduce the housing crisis in B.C. – which is the same crisis occurring in every major and most minor cities across Canada, the U.S., as well as in Western Europe – to immigration.
LETTER: Stringent seismic standards adding to high cost of housing

LETTER: Stringent seismic standards adding to high cost of housing

This is regarding the hot topic of the moment, affordable housing. I have worked in the construction industry for over 30 years and have seen immeasurable changes to the building codes, largely due to the impending earthquake on our doorstep.