It’s Bring your own Cup Day at 7-Eleven today and tomorrow. A day where Slurpee enthusiast can up-size that Big Gulp for just $2.
While there is a limit to how crazy you can get (no trash cans), your cup can be fairly ridiculous in size and full of slushy and sugary goodness.
With the hot weather and an ice-cold drink in mind we knew just who we should send to a nearby Slurpee purveyor.
As this week’s hot weather was tough on mascots, we sent Black Press Media mascot Newsie in to a Kelowna 7-Eleven to show us all how its done. Check out the video above.
The Slurpee Bring Your Own Cup Day takes place Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19. 7-Eleven Canada invites fans to celebrate with a creative DIY vessel for BYOC Day and challenges its customers to push the boundaries even further for just $2.
“Every year, Bring Your Own Cup Day is highly anticipated by our fans,” said Doug Rosencrans, general manager and vice president of 7-Eleven Canada. “Our loyal customers never fail to amaze us. The genuine fun and creativity they bring is incredible and it’s made BYOC Day one of our legacy events.”
Customers can fill up their own choice of container with a wide variety of Slurpee flavours, including three limited-time-only flavours, Crush Banana, Pepsi Black Cherry and Crush Jelly Bean.
Containers must be within 26 centimetres in diameter, watertight, clean and hygienic. There is a limit of one container per person per day and no refills.
For more info on Bring Your Own Cup Day click here –
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