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Mike’s Musings: I’m totally ready for spring. Wait a minute….

In which I make myself feel better about procrastinating on housework for the past four months

I’m really, absolutely, positively, super done with winter this year.

Now, before you laugh and make fun of me because of the mildness of our winter compared to the rest of Canada and go off about how you have to plug in your car overnight and shovel your driveway every day for three months where you come from, realize that I spent the first 18 years of my life in Saskatchewan, so I’m perfectly familiar with all of that.

It’s not even the weather that has me tired of winter, really. Sure, we got an extra dump or two of snow than we usually do, maybe.

And whenever that happens, I have to listen to people complaining about how bad everyone’s driving is (which is true) and how bad the city is at clearing the streets (which isn’t, if you also don’t want to pay more in taxes).

No, what’s got me ready to move on to spring is the lack of household accomplishing that I’ve performed over the past few months.

My yard is a mess, my deck needs some love, the paint is chipping off the railing on my front stoop, I’ve got a pile of scrap wood from my shop that is slowly rotting in the uncovered carport-type area beside my garage, the doors of my shed are still lying on the lawn after being blown off in a wind storm…

The list goes on. And those are just the outside things.

Despite the fact that some (many?) of these things COULD have been taken care of over the winter, who wants to be out there working in the rain and snow if they’re not getting paid to?

Then there are the inside things.

I’ve got a den that needs to be emptied out because it has turned into a storage room for “things that we don’t know where else to put them,” and an “office” that has become much the same. I’ve also got a spare bedroom upstairs that I’m supposed to have turned into a usable space about a year ago and still haven’t gotten around to, so it has slowly become overflow from those other two rooms.

So I guess the reason I’m over winter is that it seems like I decided that I was just going to be lazy from November to March this year.

It’s not that I wasn’t doing anything, just not the things that needed to be done, I guess. I used winter as an excuse to procrastinate.


Now that I say it out loud – or in writing, anyway – I’m not sure I want winter to be done.After all, if spring arrives, I’ll have to tackle these things, right?Isn’t that why it’s called “spring cleaning?”

But arrive it will. So I guess I better start a list.

Wait, I kind of already did that. Okay, I’m going to clip this out and put it on the fridge. That’ll help, right?I mean, if I’ve got this thing staring at me every time I open the door of the fridge to get the cream for my coffee, I’ll surely take it seriously.

Yeah. That’s it.

I didn’t accomplish the things I should have over the past four months because I didn’t put them in the newspaper to remind myself to do them.It totally wasn’t procrastination.

There. I made myself feel better.

Thanks for listening.

Mike Davies writes for the Campbell River Mirror.

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