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LETTER: Parking requirement detracts from appeal of secondary suites in Oak Bay

Such a policy would set municipality back during a climate emergency, reader writes

I am an Oak Bay resident living on Haultain Street, and I see council is trying to increase the parking requirement as part of its plan for legal secondary suites.

During a climate emergency, this policy would set us backwards and it would also not actually encourage secondary suites due to putting unnecessary restrictions in place. Most other cities in the world are removing parking requirements, yet Oak Bay is trying to do the opposite.

I strongly encourage council to remove the requirement for a third off-street parking space to be necessary before allowing a secondary suite. Even if there was space for three cars on a property, it would most likely require people to remove green space to accommodate cars.

Do they really think that will improve the quality of life in Oak Bay?

We need to welcome gentle density and create a walking, transit, and cycling friendly community. Requiring dedicated parking does the opposite.

Elisabeth Noble

Oak Bay

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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