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About 10 days prior to Anne's passing, despite being terminally ill, she asked to go shopping for a gift for a dear family friend. While being wheeled around the mall in her PJ's, Anne fell in love with a pair of red ankle boots in a shop window. The following day, she asked to return to the shop so she could buy the red boots for herself. These boots have come to symbolize what we have all loved about Anne. She had a spirit that embraced life right to the end. She spent every day she was given with joy and took enormous pleasure in small things like heated seats and peppermint patties and hot tubs. She was grateful for every blessing in her life and had an unfailingly positive attitude in the face of some considerable hardships. Anne loved sparkly things, shopping with her daughter and girlfriends, traveling and dressing to the nines. She was very proud of her Icelandic heritage. Anne was an incredibly kind and generous soul who was always genuinely interested in chatting and listening to people.

Anne was an only child and spent her life caring for others, as a nurse, a wife and a mother. She maintained lifelong friendships with her nursing classmates who she loved as her sisters. Anne was predeceased by her husband Oli. She was thrilled that she was able to spend the last seven years of her life in close proximity to her two daughters, Wendy Turner (Terry) and Jennifer Morphy (Pat). The many people whose lives Anne touched will forever miss her and her flare for living.

"Ber er hver a baki nema ser brour eigi". (Icelandic)

"Bare is the back of a sisterless woman." (Every woman is defenseless unless they have a sister/mother/aunt/friend).

Jennifer and Wendy are incredibly grateful to the Palliative Care doctors and nurses at NRGH, in particular, Dr. Marlene Van Der Weyde, Ellen, Annabelle, Euna and Sandra, for their compassionate and dignified care of their mom in the last weeks of her life.

In lieu of flowers, Anne would be tickled if you treated yourself to some red boots.

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