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Victoria High principal pens letter about ‘gang-associated behaviour’ in youth

All SD61 secondary schools will be addressing student and community safety
All secondary schools in the Greater Victoria School District will be addressing student and community safety in the coming days. (Black Press Media file photo)

The principal of Victoria High School has sent a letter to families about the safety of students, including possible recruitment in gangs.

Aaron Parker wrote in the letter that regional police departments have shared with school districts in the South Island region this past week that a small group of youth are engaging in activities that police believe could lead to potential gang involvement.

They shared that there has been an increase in violence, drug dealing and weapons-related offences, including the use of imitation firearms and knives.

Police noted that youth are often recruited to sell items such as vaping products and high-end clothing, and they say this may lead to activities of concern. Police said social media has become a tool where gang-associated behaviour is being displayed and promoted.

All secondary schools in the Greater Victoria School District (SD61) will be addressing safety concerns in the coming days and weeks, Parker said.

Parker also wrote that by communicating and being proactive in addressing this issue, the school can continue to offer safe environments for students and the community.

Police will continue to inform schools about emerging trends and new information.

Parker wrote that with this new information from police, he hopes schools, community partners and families can provide youth with direction and support as they navigate the complexities of becoming young adults.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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