Have you seen an illegal dump site you want to report? How about a rudder with some suspicious looking mollusks? Think you’d be a good wildlife warrior?
There’s an app for that.
The BC Wildlife Federation released an updated version of the Conservation App for smartphones that will make it even easier to report any environmental abuse found while enjoying the outdoors.
The app adds a time-stamp and geo-location to a picture or video of a violation, allowing “wildlife warriors” to categorize an incident and submit it to the appropriate enforcement agency. The aim is to simplify reporting of poaching, polluting, dumping or blocking access to public lands.
New features
The update improves the information the app provides to enforcement agencies. The app has the references and contacts you need to safely and efficiently protect wild places from harm.
- Find the latest fishing and hunting regulations
- Improved user interface
- Better map detail
- Easier to use offline
- Simple to share
Some examples of what could be reported include suspicious or illegal pumps in creeks, unauthorized water withdrawal/use, or reporting a watercraft travelling into B.C. that has not been inspected for mussels, illegal dumping of household materials, destruction of fish or riparian habitat, illegal road/trail construction, unauthorized off-road vehicle use, mud-bogging, dumping contaminated waste, or operating a motorized vehicle above elevation restrictions
Other examples include; hunting out of season, attracting bears, fishing with prohibited gear, illegally fencing Crown land, or blocking access to a public road by a vehicle.
Support for this project was provided in part through the Okanagan Basin Water Board’s Water Conservation and Quality Improvement Grant Program and its public outreach and education program, Okanagan WaterWise.
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