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Canada’s Worst Driver looks to Victoria for next round of bad drivers

Nominations are now open for the popular Discovery Canada TV series

Are you one of Canada’s worst drivers? Or maybe you know someone who is?

The popular television show is recruiting motorists from southern Vancouver Island to be featured on the upcoming 14th season of Canada’s Worst Driver.

Nominations are now open to men and women as producers look to uncover the next round of accident-prone drivers and rehabilitate them.

“We’ve been at this for over a decade, but there’s no slowing down,” said host Andrew Younghusband.

“There’s a whole new generation of drivers taking over city streets, some were just four years old when the show first hit the airways, now they’re making nominations or looking for training themselves! We’re here to help and I can truly say - we have!”

Nominations are being accepted now until March 31 with filming slated for this summer. In addition to the bad driver being flown to Toronto to earn one of eight spots at the drivers rehabilitation centre, the friend, husband, wife, relative, sibling, co-worker or neighbour who nominated them will come along for the bumpy ride.

Victoria nominations can be made online now at Canada’s Worst Driver.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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