IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year events unfold in a way that will have you tapping into your creativity. You seem to find solutions to the impossible. If you are single, your appeal is undeniable. You could meet someone who seems too good to be true. Take your time, and let the relationship flow naturally.
If you are attached, the two of you seem more in love than ever before. Your relationship continues to evolve to another level of understanding and caring. TAURUS understands you better than you might think.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You leap into your day, feeling as if everything is moving as you would like it to.
In fact, you might want to pinch yourself. Financial hassles appear later in the day. As a result, you could experience some anger and/or frustration. Tonight: Count your change, and revisit your budget.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
As the day progresses, you feel more energized than you have in a while.You have moved slowly but successfully through a set of problems. A friend could be involved in plans, but might prove to be flaky or difficult. Do not lose your temper. Tonight: Others want you to join them!
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You have a way of going from one extreme to the other in no time. You’ll feel as if you have finally arrived where you want to be, but by the afternoon you could be doubting that assumption. Hassles seem to emerge from out of nowhere. Tonight: Paint the town red.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
You might be emotionally exhausted by what is going on. Try to get away from the situation in order to gain a fresh perspective. You can be sure that some of your issues are a result of poor communication. Understand what is happening. Tonight: Be open to a fast change.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Greet a transformation with interest rather than disappointment. You need to feel challenged in order to be content. The person you are interacting with might be unpredictable. Honor a change of pace, and try to avoid any confusion. Tonight: Know that you are in the limelight.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Consider making some changes. Be willing to let go of a situation that seems to be holding you back. The more detached you become, the more you will enjoy yourself. Be willing to honor a last-minute adjustment, even if it’s a bit of a hassle. Tonight: Reach out to a close loved one.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Togetherness remains a theme. You don’t want to cause yourself a problem by being so adamant about having some peace and quiet. Part of romance is a little give and take. Know that you cannot control everything, nor should you try. Tonight: Go along with a fun surprise.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Your intensity emerges as you try to clear out some hassles. You could be dependent on someone else’s goodwill. Stay centered. Understand what is going on with you as well as with this person. Avoid power plays, for both your sakes. Tonight: Get deep into the moment.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You could be seeing the present situation from a practical perspective. Give yourself time, and you will want to add more excitement to the matter. Stay open to a friend’s flights of fancy; they could trigger your imagination. Allow yourself to feel more. Tonight: Make fun plans.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Stay centered, despite some last-minute changes. You could be foggy about plans and need to confirm what is happening. A friend could become aggressive as well as demanding. Attempt to remain calm, cool and collected. This behavior will pass. Tonight: Out on the town.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You might want to stay closer to home than usual. Your comfort level can’t be compromised right now. A boss will understand your need to remain close to home when you explain your reasoning.
Open up to talks from every direction. Tonight: Order in.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
You might want to make a change, but could feel as if you need to wait. Have a discussion with someone you care about, as you trust his or her judgment. Lay your cards on the table. Be willing to listen to suggestions, even if you disagree. Tonight: Refuse to let someone get to you.
Actor Denzel Washington (1954), singer/songwriter John Legend (1978), actress Maggie Smith (1934)
Jacqueline Bigar is on the internet at www.jacquelinebigar.com.