Four Saturdays a year books fill the pews at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in Oak Bay.
While Churchmouse Books’ special seasonal blowouts and standard Saturday sales have been hampered the last two years by provincial health protocols, donors and shoppers have proven more than generous, said Rev. Canon Craig Hiebert.
Despite five or six months of closure over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the weekly sales are hitting twice pre-pandemic sales. Book donations, too, have provided quality and abundance of supply.
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A recent donation of collector books means Churchmouse has an attractive selection of vintage titles and premium editions lined up for its Christmas book sale.
Collector books include century-old volumes of Cartoons from Punch and dozens of Folio Society editions available by silent auction. The Christmas book sale features hundreds of gently used pre-owned books, available by donation.
Proceeds from the sale of Churchmouse used books support the food bank at St. John the Divine Church, Our Place Society, Threshold Housing and Victoria Hospice. During the Christmas sale, the bookshop is also providing space for those charity partners to offer information and their own gifting items for sale.
The Christmas book sale runs this Saturday (Dec. 4) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1701 Elgin Rd. in Oak Bay.
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