A Sidney gym hosted a birthday celebration for two of their clients, both in their nineties.
Emily Bracket turned 95 and Louise Worrall turned 93, and they both work out three times a week. Bracket has worked out at the Curves gym in Sidney 3,000 times, and Worrall has reached 2,000 workouts.
Carolle Bathan, owner of Curves Sidney, said Bracket has done the most workouts of anyone at the club. Bracket has been a member since 2008, and Worral since 2009.
“They are both strong, amazing women,” she said.
The club had a birthday party for them, with flowers and cake. Bathan said they are the only two clients in their 90s, with most in their 50s and 60s.
Bracket’s doctor had told her to cancel her membership but she said no, because she wanted to keep moving. “If she sits, she knows she’ll seize up.”
Their workouts are similar to that of other clients, said Bathan, including strength training and cardio.
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