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EDITORIAL: Living wage not providing much hope to low-income earners

Living wage offers very little wiggle room
With the newest living wage estimate a family of four could afford one latte per year. Nicole Crescenzi/VICTORIA NEWS

The latest calculations for the living wage in Victoria puts it at $20.50 per hour. Define living.

Calculated by the Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria, the model considered a family with both parents working and two children. After shelter, clothing, food, transportation and medical expenses, a paltry $6.18 would be left over each year.

Enough for a coffee, maybe two, depending on where you like to get your caffeine fix. But what about when your car breaks down, when your hydro costs soar, when ICBC decides to increase your rates, when avocados jump from 79 cents a piece to $2.49? And if one of the bread winners happens to become ill, all bets are off.

The largest demographic in Greater Victoria is what is now called the “working poor.” Along with buzzwords like “affordable” and “living wage,” it’s a relative term. It seems impossible that some group calculator somewhere can hit the equal button and accurately represent the struggles of full-time working people in 2018.

There is a reason our food banks and other social support services around the region are finding themselves busier every year.

Calculating a living wage is tricky business. It can be leveraged as a benchmark for employers to offer fair compensation, but does it indicate a fair quality of life?Announcing that the living wage in Victoria is now $20.50 per hour should come with a warning that says: “As long as nothing goes awry.”

Greater Victoria residents are not alone in their struggles. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives reports the living wage across the province ranges from a high of $20.91 in Metro Vancouver, to a low of $16.59 in the Comox Valley.

And with the minimum wage set to hit $12.65 on June 1 and not reach $15 until 2021, there’s no end in sight for many.