A man was seen attempting to fight a car fire with a garden hose in Langford on Friday (Jan 17).
The incident occurred at the intersection of Happy Valley Road and Sooke Road, at approximately 12:30 p.m.
"The guy was already out with the garden hose trying to put the flames out," said Curtis Becker. "However, you could see by him jumping back how warm it was and the smoke was probably not the most pleasant thing to be inhaling.”
For Eric Bushell, owner of Green Man Bikes, it was a normal day at work, when suddenly the panicked car owner appeared at his door asking to use his garden hose.
“It was all happening so quickly,” said Bushell. “The fire had gotten really big.”
But thanks to the nearby location of Langford’s fire hall on Happy Valley Road, help was soon at hand.
“They told everybody to get away from the car and to not be trying to put it out with the hose,” said Bushell. “And then they quickly put it out with a proper fire hose.”
Luckily for Bushell, there was no damage to his bike shop.
“I'm just glad it wasn't closer to the building and nobody got hurt,” he said.
Langford’s deputy fire chief Scott Davidson confirmed crew members from their fire hall, located steps away from the fire on Happy Valley Road, attended the incident.
Firefighters quickly extinguished a fire in the car’s engine compartment, explained the deputy fire chief.
According to Davidson, an ambulance was also called to attend the scene to help someone with minor burns.
He was unable to confirm the cause of the fire.