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Timelapse shows Blue Morpho chrysalis morphing in Victoria

One of many species of butterflies at the Butterfly Gardens
A timelapse released by the Butterfly Garden shows over 20 chrysalises with ten of the blue-winged butterflies emerging in the 30 second video. (Ashley Rich/Unsplash)

Blue Morpho Butterflies are one of many species of butterflies flying around the Victoria Butterfly Gardens. A timelapse captured by the Butterfly Garden’s Emerging Station at the gardens shows over 20 chrysalises with ten of the blue-winged beauties emerging in the 30 second video.

The name ‘Blue Morpho’ are iridescent from central and south America; the name ‘morpho’ is thought to originate from the idea that these butterflies seemed to change shapes as they flew.

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Brilliantly blue on one side with shades of brown, red, black and grey on the other side, these butterflies have what is called ‘flashing defence’ meaning when they fly, the wings appear to flash from vivid blue to dull brown seemingly disappearing and reappearing again against the sky, making it hard for predators to track through the trees.

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For more information on the Butterfly Garden visit

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