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Saanich Parks rebuilds a forest from scratch in Cuthbert Holmes Park

Saanich Parks rebuilds a forest from scratch in Cuthbert Holmes Park

Halfway there, Saanich Parks is building a natural sanctuary layer by layer
New Vancouver Island barber shop gets down to business with a good deed

New Vancouver Island barber shop gets down to business with a good deed

The Parlour in Comox is offering free haircuts to men in need
Nanaimo celebrates 150th anniversary of its first city council meeting

Nanaimo celebrates 150th anniversary of its first city council meeting

City became British Columbia's 6th municipality, looked 'pretty wild west'
VIDEO: New UVic banners by master carver celebrate First Nations origin story

VIDEO: New UVic banners by master carver celebrate First Nations origin story

Work by Lekwungen artist Clarence “Butch” Dick features symbols including the eagle and the orca
Winter art festival illuminates Nanaimo's waterfront

Winter art festival illuminates Nanaimo's waterfront

City of Nanaimo celebrates 150-year anniversary of the municipality’s first council meeting
Serious Brewing Co. prepares to open brewery in Chemainus

Serious Brewing Co. prepares to open brewery in Chemainus

Riot Brewing Co. opened in Chemainus in 2016
Tahsis pool closed for repairs until further notice

Tahsis pool closed for repairs until further notice

The Tahsis Recreation Centre remains open
Heaven-sent homes?: Saanich church could make way for affordable housing

Heaven-sent homes?: Saanich church could make way for affordable housing

Future land use could include non-market affordable housing and commercial services, mayor says
New year, new cell for Saanich landfill site as Hartland fills up

New year, new cell for Saanich landfill site as Hartland fills up

Cell 4 will see waste buried in a northern quadrant of the landfill property
150 teen robot builders converge to square off at Saanich school

150 teen robot builders converge to square off at Saanich school

The public is invited to watch as young people put robots through their paces Jan. 25 at St. Margaret's School